Thursday, July 21, 2011

So it begins...

I fear this blog might be self-indulgent.  Honestly, I do not think I am much different from many of the other single women in their 30's.  

Go to your local Blockbuster (those still exist, right?) or scroll through Netflix and there are numerous movies to fill one's appetite for heart-warming stories of single ladies who finally find the "one."  It's not a new story - from one of my favorite historical novels "Pride & Prejudice" to the modern-day "Bridget Jones's Diary" and "Sex and the City."  It's a story that resonates with audiences throughout time.

Whether you are looking for the one or not, through all the challenges, love prevails.  And as usually is the case, it's the journey that provides the greatest opportunities for learning - or in my case, entertainment.

It is through the encouragement of my friends who have had numerous laughs at my tales of dating adventures that I have began this blog.  I cannot tell you how many times, whether over drinks or brunch, my friends' mouths have dropped open and questions of "you have got to be kidding me?" have been asked.  

So how could I not share my experiences with others?  Hopefully, you will learn from my travails (or at least get a good laugh).